U-Haul University (UHU)

Time Management

Time Management

Time-Management Skills

Developing time-management skills is a journey. Let your journey begin with some of the tips and suggestions in this section. The goal of effective time management is to be aware of how you spend your time to make purposeful decisions to balance education, work, family obligations and leisure time. The good news is that you can learn to better manage your time and avoid procrastination. The downside is that it takes time and discipline to change old habits.

Time-Management Tips

Self-Monitoring - monitor your use of time by the hour for a week or so.
Scheduling - schedule task-goals so that they serve your larger goals and are achievable in the time and circumstances you have.
Breaks and Rewards - build time into your schedule for breaks and rewards.
Maintenance - provide time for exercise, relaxation, sleep and meals.
Family and Friends - build time into your schedule for family, friends and community activities.

Step One: Determine Where Your Time Goes

The first step to managing your time is to determine where your time goes. One method to tracking your time is to make a schedule for each week and break the schedule down into 24 one-hour increments. Over the next seven days, track how you spend your time. At the end of the week, total your time spent on all the activities. Find out how many hours each week you have for studies ... given job, family and other commitments.

Step Two: Schedule Your Time

Once you are aware of how you are spending your time, you can begin to make informed decisions about how to use your time efficiently and effectively. A daily planner is an extremely useful tool for managing your time efficiently and effectively.

Master Calendar for the Quarter

Weekly Schedule

Daily List

Step Three: Make the Most of Your Time

Control Procrastination

Everyone procrastinates from time to time, thus we underestimate the effect procrastination can have on our course performance. Try to break the procrastination by:

For more help with time-management skills, visit MindTools.

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